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    <alllinks galcontinue="CLOCKSS:_Box_Operations|42" />
      <page pageid="1" ns="0" title="Main Page" />
      <page pageid="17" ns="0" title="3.3.3 Documented history of changes" />
      <page pageid="32" ns="0" title=" Hardware technologies appropriate to the services it provides to its designated communities" />
      <page pageid="33" ns="0" title=" Procedures in place to monitor and receive notifications when hardware technology changes are needed" />
      <page pageid="35" ns="0" title=" Procedures, commitment and funding to replace hardware when evaluation indicates the need to do so" />
      <page pageid="36" ns="0" title=" Software technologies appropriate to the services it provides to its designated communities" />
      <page pageid="40" ns="0" title=" Adequate hardware and software support for backup functionality sufficient for preserving the repository content and tracking repository functions" />
      <page pageid="41" ns="0" title=" Effective mechanisms to detect bit corruption or loss" />
      <page pageid="109" ns="0" title="4.6.1 Comply with Access Policies" />