Adequate hardware and software support for backup functionality sufficient for preserving the repository content and tracking repository functions

From CLOCKSS Trusted Digital Repository Documents
Jump to: navigation, search - The repository shall have adequate hardware and software support for backup functionality sufficient for preserving the repository content and tracking repository functions.

The CLOCKSS network currently consists of 12 CLOCKSS boxes in the US (Stanford, Rice, Indiana, Virginia, OCLC) and in Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, Germany and Scotland. Each of these boxes is configured as described in CLOCKSS: Box Operations to contain a complete copy of all content successfully ingested into the CLOCKSS Archive. Their contents are continually audited by the LOCKSS: Polling and Repair Protocol. Any CLOCKSS trigger event or any failure of both of the replicated triggered content servers could be satisfied by extracting and disseminating content from any one of these boxes as described in CLOCKSS: Extracting Triggered Content. Thus in this replicated system architecture each box is backed up by all of the others.

Relevant Documents

  1. CLOCKSS: Box Operations
  2. CLOCKSS: Hardware and Software Inventory
  3. CLOCKSS: Extracting Triggered Content
  4. LOCKSS: Polling and Repair Protocol