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= CLOCKSS: Succession Plan

A Memorandum of Agreement, under which Stanford University Libraries and OCLC would act as successors to the CLOCKSS Archive, is in the final stages of review and negotiation. This is a short term approach to provide transition planning. The Memorandum of Agreement requires the Board, once it comes in to effect, to draw up specific Succession Guidelines. The timeframe is the 1st quarter of 2014.

One long-term approach under discussion is the creation of a Trustees Board comprised of national libraries and other members of the CLOCKSS's Designated Community. Discussions are underway with several interested parties. This Trustees Group would act as advisors to the Library Archive Node sites in the transition of the management and operation CLOCKSS's archive nodes and content to new stewards, or the shutdown of the network to provide maximum protection of the archive content. The objective is to keep content protected, and, possibly, available for its intended purposes. The ultimate restriction is to protect the content from unwanted and unwarranted release. The timeframe is 1st quarter 2015.