CLOCKSS: Succession Plan

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= CLOCKSS: Succession Plan

The CLOCKSS Board formed a Trustee Committee, which is responsible for developing, maintaining, and implementing if necessary the Succession Plan. The Trustee Committee currently includes Stanford U., U. Alberta, U. Hong Kong, Institute of Physics Publishing, and Wolters Kluwer; the membership is on a 3-year rotation, with Stanford having a permanent seat. The Committee developed a Scenarios paper, to explore the events that could lead to the invocation of a succession plan. Having defined those scenarios, the Committee then adopted actions to be taken in case of the different events. The primary action is the formation of a 4-library network that would continue to preserve the existing CLOCKSS content by running four LOCKSS nodes; the four libraries are Stanford U., U. Alberta, U. Edinburgh, and Humboldt U. A legal agreement was signed jointly by CLOCKSS and the four nodes in mid-2018, and the Succession Plan Agreement was announced publicly in early November 2018.