4.2.7 Content Information is understandable for Designated Community at the time of AIP creation

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4.2.7 - The repository shall ensure that the Content Information of the AIPs is understandable for their Designated Community at the time of creation of the AIP.

In the context of the CLOCKSS Archive the responsibility for ensuring that the Content Information is Independently Understandable by the CLOCKSS: Designated Community at the time of ingest lies with the publisher, not with the archive. The archive's responsibility is to ensure that the level of understandability at the time of ingest is preserved through time.

Definition of AIP points out that at the time of creation of a CLOCKSS AIP (AU) it contains no Content Information.

The processes that ensure that the Content Information accumulated through time by an AU "faithfully reflects" what the publisher published (for harvest content) or supplied (for file transfer content) are described in CLOCKSS: Ingest Pipeline.

Relevant Documents

  1. Definition of AIP
  2. CLOCKSS: Ingest Pipeline
  3. CLOCKSS: Designated Community