Actively monitor the integrity of AIPs

From CLOCKSS Trusted Digital Repository Documents
Jump to: navigation, search - The repository shall actively monitor the integrity of AIPs.

  • Definition of AIP describes how the Content Information, together with its associated metadata including the necessary Preservation Description Information (PDI) is stored in a CLOCKSS Archival Unit (AU).
  • CLOCKSS: Box Operations describes how the set of CLOCKSS boxes are organized into a Private LOCKSS Network (PLN).
  • LOCKSS: Polling and Repair Protocol describes the processes running in the PLN that maintain the integrity of the Content Information (and its associated metadata) through time.
  • CLOCKSS: Logging and Records describes how these processes are monitored.

Relevant Documents

  1. Definition of AIP
  2. LOCKSS: Polling and Repair Protocol
  3. CLOCKSS: Box Operations
  4. CLOCKSS: Logging and Records