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Content pages130
(All pages in the wiki, including talk pages, redirects, etc.)
Uploaded files28
Edit statistics
Page edits since CLOCKSS Trusted Digital Repository Documents was set up338
Average edits per page2.02
User statistics
Registered users16
Active users (list of members)
(Users who have performed an action in the last 30 days)
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View statistics
Views total
(Views to non-existing pages and special pages are not included)
Views per edit2,723.36
Most viewed pages
Main Page194,815
Definition of AIP36,574
CLOCKSS: Extracting Triggered Content32,192
LOCKSS: Format Migration31,063
CLOCKSS: Ingest Pipeline30,238
CLOCKSS: Box Operations29,376
LOCKSS: Polling and Repair Protocol28,394
LOCKSS: Software Development Process20,193
LOCKSS: Basic Concepts18,523
CLOCKSS: Logging and Records18,345